Andy Barr is Getting Results
- Andy is recognized as a Champion of Patient advocacy by the Alliance for Patient Access. This award is given to Members of Congress who have in response to COVID-19 provided leadership in protecting and expanding access to critical treatment.
- Andy cosponsored the Lower Cost Lower Cures Act which encourages innovation of groundbreaking new cures, promotes low-cost options for patients, and curbs the gaming of the system by drug companies.
- Andy voted to eliminate the Medicare Part D donut hole through the Bipartisan Budget Act. This will save Medicare beneficiaries will save $6.7 billion in premiums and cost sharing between 2020 and 2027.
- After nearly seven years of hearing constituents’ struggle with the one-size-fits all health care law that is now collapsing under its own weight, Andy supported the American Health Care Act to increase competition and choice, lower costs, and deliver relief to families throughout Kentucky. The American Health Care Act, which represented the largest entitlement reform in history, would have created a personalized, patient-centered health care system to encourage the health insurance marketplace to compete, ensure individuals with pre-existing conditions have access to affordable, quality health care and allow families to pick the plan that best fits their needs.
- Andy supported repealing the individual mandate for health insurance, which penalized Americans for not choosing to purchase health insurance they did not want or was too expensive to maintain.
- Andy supported the Small Business Fairness Act to allow small businesses to bind together to offer high quality, lower cost health insurance plans to their employees, relieving them from the costly state-mandated laws that make health care coverage exorbitantly expensive.
- Andy cosponsored the Childhood Cancer STAR Act, which advances pediatric cancer research and child-focused cancer treatments. This legislation was signed into law by President Trump on May 29, 2018.
- Andy led a Kentucky Congressional delegation letter in support of the University of Kentucky’s Markey Cancer Center’s application to renew its National Cancer Institute (NCI) designation. The University of Kentucky received its renewal NCI designation in August 2018.
- Andy voted for the 21st Century Cures Act, which authorizes state block grants to improve the treatment of disease, mental health and addiction.
- Andy voted for a $4 billion appropriation – the largest to date – to combat the opioid crisis and address prevention, treatment and enforcement
- Andy has continued to support Community Health Centers and their work to provide accessible and cost-effective health care to many Kentuckians living in rural areas of the Sixth District.